Str. C. Daicoviciu 2,



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Aims & Scope

Acta Musei Napocensis is an annual scientific journal, printed at the end of the year (December). Its purpose is to publish studies and articles in international languages, in the field of ancient history and archeology. All specialists conducting research in this field are invited to submit for evaluation and publication the results of their research, taking into account the evaluation rules of the journal, as well as the international rules on ethics in research and publication.

Manuscripts will be written in English, French, German or Italian. Reviews of papers (books, journals, acts of congresses and international conferences etc.) are also welcome.

The papers must reach us as a Word document, not later than the 1st of June 2024.

All parts of the manuscript – abstract, text, legend of figures – will be written with Times or Times New Roman, 12, at 1 line space. Before publication, all manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors, who have the task of unifying all texts for publication. Where appropriate, authors will be asked to do a review of the texts, if there will be corrections and additions in the manuscript.

Peer review. The articles will be selected by a college of reviewers who, in agreement with the editorial board, will agree on the publication or non-publication of those articles, in case that they do not meet the scientific standards of the periodical.

Abstract. Each article will be accompanied by an abstract, not exceeding 10-15 lines (about 250 words), in English, in the language of the article and in Romanian, in which are outlined the problems discussed, methodology, and conclusions.

Keywords. We kindly ask you to indicate up to 5 keywords (in English, in the language of the article and in Romanian), which will allow us to organize the articles according to the problems raised.

Name and address. Authors are kindly asked to add at the end of their work the scientific title, their full name and institutional/personal address and their e-mail address. All this information will be published with your scientifically contribution.

References. Each article must have a unitary reference system (Oxford) according to accepted academic rules.

We recommend the following citation guidelines:

For articles:

Gabler 1996
D. Gabler, Terra sigillata tardo-italica in Pannonia, AArchHung, 48, 1996, 49-69.
Marcu 2006
F. Marcu, Scholae in the forts of Dacia, Dacia N. S., 50, 2006, 255-265.

For books:

Dyson 1985
S. L. Dyson, The Creation of the Roman Frontier, Princeton 1985.
Fodorean 2006
Fl. Fodorean, Drumurile din Dacia romană, Cluj-Napoca 2006.

For articles in collective volumes:

Nemeti 2006
S. Nemeti, Dacia ... in formam provinciae redacta. In: E. S. Teodor, O. Ţentea (eds.), Dacia Augusti Provincia. Crearea Provinciei. Actele Simpozionului desfăşurat în 13-14 octombrie 2006 la Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României Bucureşti, Bucureşti 2006, 271-289.
Swan, Bidwell 1998
V. G. Swan, P. Bidwell, Cameleon and Flavian troop-movements in south Britain: some ceramic evidence. In: J. Bird (ed.), Form and fabric. Studies in Rome’s material past in honour of B. R. Hartley, Oxford 1998, 21-30.

For abbreviations of journals, please use a generally accepted system, such as the one of the Année Philologique.

For periodicals not covered by this list, authors may use their own abbreviations, without forgetting to add that specific abbreviation before the first title in the bibliography or write the periodical’s name in full.

Abbreviations and quoting of ancient texts. For quoting Greek and Roman authors, please use abbreviations from S. Hornblower, A. Spawforth, The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 1996, 3rd ed., Oxford, xxix-liv.

For the Greek texts, please use the font Times New Roman. In case you do not have access to this font and to the dictionary mentioned above, please notify us and we will send them to you via e-mail.

The quotation of web resources will be made according to the standards of traditional bibliography. Besides the author’s name and the title of the quoted document, the exact web address will be added, as well as the precise date when the website was consulted, as follows:

Wolle 1999
A. Wolle, Çatalhöyük: Excavations of a Neolithic Anatolian Höyük, 1999, (29 November 1999).

Illustrations. Illustrations will be numbered from I to XXX (both in the illustration list, as well in the text) with normal characters and between brackets, as following: (Pl. III/1-2). The illustrations list will be written on separate pages. Please avoid, if possible, citing the illustration using a double frame, such as: Figs. and/or Pls.

Good-quality illustration is essential, and should be preferably provided in a .tiff or .jpg (300 dpi) format. We kindly ask you to provide the illustrations arranged Executive form (.psd, .cdr etc.), as well as each image separately (.tiff or .jpg, 300 dpi).

Reproducing illustration from already published volumes and articles should be avoided and can be a solution only when the original illustration is not available to the author. In any case, authors are kindly asked to mention: the location the piece is preserved at; inventory number; author of photograph, as well as that of the publication after which the respective reproduction was made.

If the author uses photographs, drawings, plans, sketches etc., he has to specify whether he prior has obtained the legal right of reproduction for these illustrations. Any problem concerning the reproduction right or copyright for the illustration material used is the author’s exclusive responsibility.

Correction. Please note that for objective reasons, the authors will receive one proof only. This will be sent only in electronic format.

Please send your articles to the following electronic address:

We look forward to receiving your contributions!

Sincerely yours,
The Editorial Board